Saturday, December 5, 2009


What is OOPS?

OOPS (object-oriented programming systems) is a technique of application development that views all entities in the application (customers, suppliers, students, etc.) as objects. Thus, an object-oriented application consists of objects that are related to each other. All objects have attributes, termed as properties. Properties describe and identify a particular object. Objects also have methods, which are the functions associated with the object.

Who created the C++ programming language?

Bjarne Stroustrup.

What is the difference between C & C++ ?

Object-orientation is the major difference between C and C++. C++ supports overloaded functions, operator overloading, etc.

What are the features of an object-oriented programming language?

The features an object oriented programming language are:
a) Objects and Classes
b) Encapsulation
c) Inheritance
d) Polymorphisms
e) Binding

What are objects and classes?

A class is a template or blueprint used to create objects. It defines the characteristics of an object and how it behaves. For example, a car is a class. It specifies that every car manufactured should have 4 wheels, doors, a brake, clutch, accelerator, etc An object is an instance of a class. For example, Zen is an object of the class car.

What do you mean by encapsulation?

The concept of hiding unwanted information from the user is called encapsulation.

What do you mean by inheritance?

The inheritance means than any one or more class derived from old class or base class.There are different types are single inheritance, multiple inheritance,multilevel inheritance and hybrid inheritance.

What do you mean by Polymorphisms?

The concept of using operators or functions in different ways, depending on what they operate on, is called polymorphisms. Overloaded functions and operator overloading are examples of polymorphisms.

Differentiate between static binding and dynamic binding?

Static binding is binding to the call during compile time while dynamic binding is binding to the call during run-time. Dynamic binding is more flexible than static binding.

What is the difference between a base class and a derived class?

The class (the superclass) from which the subclass is derived is referred to as the base class. The subclass that inherits the properties of the base class is referred to as the derived class.

What is a pure virtual function?

A pure virtual function is a virtual function with no body. A pure virtual function can be declared by equating it to zero.

What is a virtual base class?

When the same class is inherited more than once via multiple paths, multiple copies of the base class members are created in memory. By declaring the base class inheritance as virtual, only one copy of the base class is inherited. A base class inheritance can be declared virtual using the virtual qualifier.


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